The New WritePro for Windows

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Lessons One through Four:

Sol Stein can help you create living characters you'd like to invite home. You'll quickly learn the professional way of making conflict dramatic. You'll see how to add visual tension. He will guide you in using surprise effectively. You'll see how to create the kind of suspense that holds the reader page after page, plus the art of showing your story with characters who seem fully alive. You'll learn how professionals produce action you can see, dialogue the reader can hear, all of it directly related to the story you're writing, using self-editing techniques that work for successful writers.

Lessons Five through Seven:

Here's the important art of provocative dialogue and how to create it in your own story. He'll provide techniques successful writers use that you can master quickly, like the basis of dramatic actions and creating relationships that provoke suspense. You'll also be able to master the erogenous zone in the reader's head, producing attainable love scenes that are erotic but not offensive.

Lessons Eight through Ten:

He'll show you the most effective way of outlining your novel, play, or screenplay. Plus you'll see how advanced characterization can make readers fall in love with your characters. You'll also learn proven ways to evoke strong emotions from the reader. You'll see professional techniques for holding the reader's attention right to the last page. Throughout your work you'll have easy access to 189 guidelines that have helped professional writers succeed. And you'll be grateful when the program saves you many months of work by using the newest time-saving method of revision.

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